Cambridgeshire is an area rich in educational opportunities for all ages. However, it can be difficult to decide which of these will be most beneficial for your child.
There is no ‘one size fits all’ where children are concerned!
Helping Parents Make Choices
Navigating the British education system can be confusing. There are more than 200 maintained and about 21 independent schools and nurseries in Cambridgeshire. You can find out more about these by following this link to Cambridgeshire County Council website. You may also be considering home education.
Choosing between independent schools, home education and all the different types of schools available in the maintained sector can sometimes feel overwhelming.
A consultation with me can help clarify your goals and break these down into manageable steps.
As an independent specialist, without affiliation to any school or agency, I can give you an honest and unbiased opinion based on local knowledge and years of teaching experience across all sectors.
Have you decided on the education you want for your child?
Could you benefit from expert support and guidance to achieve this?
I can advise on ways you can:
- Maximise your child’s chances of being offered a place at a highly selective, independent school such as The Perse, Cambridge.
- Get your child off to a flying start by preparing them to start school with confidence and enthusiasm.
- Foster and expand your child’s natural curiosity, resilience, self-confidence and wellbeing alongside their accelerated academic achievement.
- Listen to your child read in ways that encourage a love of books. This is the single most important predictor of academic success.
- Develop the skills your child needs to organise themselves and their belongings in ways that make learning more manageable and less stressful -a skill for life!
- Help your child make a smooth transition between schools and take advantage of all the opportunities open to them.
- Support your child’s progress in school and provide effective help with homework.
- Understand and interpret your child’s school reports and grades – in my experience, teachers often write reports in ways that obscure the reality or are meaningless to parents.
- Identify and fill any gaps in your child’s knowledge and understanding.
- Overcome challenging behaviour and improve your child’s attitude to learning.
- Extend your child’s vocabulary, mental mathematics and general knowledge through fun games and activities.
- Encourage your child to keep a learning journal they can take pride in and that reflects their hobbies and interests.
- Home educate your child. I particularly enjoy teaching children who are being home-educated and can assist parents in developing appropriate opportunities for learning based on their children’s needs and interests.
If you would like to know how to accelerate your child’s learning, please get in touch.
Educational consultancy fees start at £120 – a small price to pay to
support your child’s long term development, happiness and success.
I also offer a limited number of places for children preparing for
11+ exams and independent school entrance assessments for
Perse Senior School, Y7 & Y9.
Currently fully booked for bespoke private tuition lessons for children aged 7-13 years.
Exceptional Teaching leads to Inspired Learning.